
US Lawmakers Seek Deep Cuts to NASA Climate Research

Eclectic Cyborg6/20/2013 8:14:22 am PDT

re: #168 Joanne

Are the days of class action lawsuits numbered?

Ugh and that is why I HATE Binding arbitration/No class action clauses in contracts. Granted this was between two corporations but the underlying issue is still the same.

Arbitration is a suckers game for consumers. Arbitration quite literally almost ALWAYS goes in favor of the company. Corporations win in Arbitration exponentially more than they do in court.

These clauses are evil because they both take away a valuable weapon consumers have against corporations (class action suits) AND force a customer who is going after the company alone into a biased and unfair arbitration situation.

I just can’t believe these clauses are still legally enforceable.