
Republicans Say: Give Up Your Health Care or the Economy Gets It

LeftyRambles2413 (HappyWarrior)10/09/2013 12:42:17 pm PDT

re: #168 lawhawk

Ah, the joys of claiming that they’re supporting the National Parks, but then calling the same NPS workers - park rangers - the goon squad - is real touching.

What part of national parks/monuments closed do these people not get. This is the shutdown the Speaker wanted and got by refusing a clean deal in July that included $70b in cuts from what the Senate had been looking for. Instead of taking that deal, they went full metal wingnut and sought out a destructive and potentially catastrophic plan with no endgame. Shut down the government over Obamacare, and then set their sights on the debt ceiling.

With both in play, they’re looking to radically reshape the very nature of the balance of powers and the constitutional system of government by using devices that are meant to bring compromise (economic chaos and ruin by shutting down government and default) as a tool to slash spending and force the elimination of constitutionally enacted and judicially upheld laws. This cannot stand.

Passing piecemeal bills to fund bits and pieces of government is not governance. It’s passing the buck and hoping the President and Democrats take the blame for not playing their game.

They want the shut down but they don’t want anything visually negative about the shut down. They know that the parks being shut down is their fault but they’d rather attack the President or perhaps even more cowardly the rangers who who had no say in policy matters. That one Representative said shame on you to that one lady ranger, shame on him and shame on his party for attacking people who are just doing their jobs. And there’s a special place in hell for the fuckers likening them to Nazis.