
More Competition + Less Regulation = Higher Prices

lawhawk11/12/2013 8:48:04 am PST

re: #163 Vicious Babushka

None would dare challenge us?

Rand’s living in fantasy world if he thinks that none dare challenge us. Heck, the Taliban did, and we’re winding down operations there without having eliminated their existence (though we’ve dealt them some serious blows and have taken out some of their top leaders over the years).

Russia and China are economic rivals, and are less likely to be military threats due to the global interdependence.

But how does he pay for the military he thinks we need?

The New USS Gerald Ford costs $12b - and that doesn’t include the air wing and personnel to keep her going. It will be potentially cheaper to operate than the Nimitz class because it uses fewer personnel to do the same job, but it’s doing more with less.

Can’t wait for him to demand new tanks or spending on upgrading the Abrams when the Army doesn’t want it (because of Kentucky’s historical links to Army armored units, including the old training center at Fort Knox).