
And Now, Tiny Hamsters Eating Tiny Burritos

Nerdy Fish4/30/2014 5:55:13 pm PDT

re: #167 klys

There has been absolutely none of that and a ton of prove that this algorithm is O(n lg n) or whatever. It has been a very frustrating class so far, and the most recent homework just exacerbates it, plus they have been absolutely shitty about getting graded homeworks/solutions to the distance students - as in I have received nothing back yet.

Admittedly, I haven’t done any of that sort of stuff in my daily work. Again, not intrinsically useful. I find it more useful in being able to derive analysis of my own algorithms; taking one look at a bit of code and saying, “Christ on a cracker, this is a terrible idea. It’ll take FOREVER to run.”