
Wednesday Night Acoustic Jam: Jon Gomm, Dance of the Last Rhino

The Ghost of a Flea11/05/2014 11:12:56 pm PST

re: #165 Dark_Falcon

The hammering sound you heard while reading that first sentence was the sound of Mitch McConnell nailing his colors to the mainmast.

“Ted, you’re either fascist or a conman, and you’re definitely a lunatic. You hate women, poor people, minorities, homosexuals—pretty much everyone who isn’t a middle-aged white man who operates an Christian-themed LLC and has a ‘In Case of Rapture, this care will be empty’ bumper sticker.

Your publicly held opinions spit upon the Bill of Rights and routinely demonstrate that you hold the entire process of democratic governance in contempt.

But you made the stock market go down, Do that again, and we’re going to have a throwdown about what this party stands for.”