
Hilarious Video: Republican Debate, Speechless

ObserverArt9/01/2015 6:52:32 am PDT

re: #165 I Stand With Planned Parenthood

I don’t really care what his strategy is.

I won’t take him seriously until women are treated as human beings by the church. When Women are eligible to be pope —when a woman is able to choose motherhood — then I will believe the Church is doing the work of G-d.

Until then, it does the work of male human beings —straight or not—it is in the business of protecting their power and interests.

I agree. Again. I am no longer a practicing Catholic for many of the same reasons you point out and even some more.

I am only commenting based on the news of what is happening with the new Pope since he has been in position. I am interested in watching what he is up to only because I was raised and schooled in the Catholic Church and all my family and relatives and a good portion of my friends are from a similar background.

Pope Francis is an interesting political figure.