
A Highly Unusual Version of Sting's "Every Breath You Take," by the Bad Plus

Reality Based Steve4/02/2016 5:37:06 pm PDT

re: #170 Charles Johnson

The Rage Furby must have visited his cocaine dealer - he’s out of control, posting one hateful crappy article after another. He just posted another attack on Michelle Fields, this time claiming his “police sources” told him Fields’ boyfriend’s family are pressuring the police department to prosecute Corey Lewandowski.

He’s fucking insane if he thinks people don’t see what he’s doing. He’s trying to shove his way into the story by totally making things up.

I’m sure that Rage Furby can’t afford coke any more. He’s probably reduced to meth now, and not the good stuff, he’s getting the the “Shake and Bake” biker crank.