
New Seth: Jan. 6 Committee Obtains Damning Roger Stone Video, Weighs Trump Subpoena

No Malarkey!9/29/2022 5:49:55 am PDT

re: #172 A Mom Anon

I truly believe that we must find some sense of community and apply that to government and how money gets spent. We are not fundamentally kind to those outside our “group”, whatever category we divide ourselves into. There are lots of kind humans out there, but the world as it stands now does not allow for that to be a guiding force. Our economic system is cruel by design, what we have is a system that encourages us to blame and hate on those without wealth and while we fight among ourselves and struggle financially, the rich are robbing us blind and laughing at how fucking stupid we are for blaming each other.

I am for capping personal wealth at 50 million dollars. If you can’t live on that then fuck you. Give your CEO job or whatever the fuck to someone who can. Pour the rest of that wealth into paying employees above livable wages,benefits and invest in safe workplaces. And tax these motherfuckers at 70 percent like we used to. And maybe burn KStreet to the ground while we’re at it, lots of evil comes from that place.

I recently read that if you have an income of $8 million, that’s enough money to pay other people to do all the tedious chores we don’t like, live in a nice home, take dream vacations, and otherwise maximize your happiness. Every dollar above that is just running up the score.