
Brad Mehldau Plays the Beatles' "Golden Slumbers"

Wendell Zurkowitz ((slave to the waffle light))2/18/2023 4:05:07 am PST

re: #152 Anymouse 🌹🏡😷

She’s trying to go for the same wingnut vote Trump went for. That doesn’t seem to be a winning strategy if either (a) Trump is in the race, or (b) those who don’t normally pay attention to politics get a whiff of what she’s trying to do.

Trump is a cult of personality. Without the person it will crumble. Most of them will still vote GOP but will not come out in such strong numbers.

That was his winning strategy in 2016: He knew that all of his 30% would come out to vote, he just needed to get a reasonable share of the undecideds (in the right places) to ensure an Electoral College win.