
Overnight Open Thread

Killian Bundy3/09/2009 1:48:37 am PDT

Christopher Columbus was actually a Scotsman called Pedro Scotto, historian says

Alfonso Ensenat de Villalonga has disputed conventionally-accepted narratives on the explorer’s origins - that he was the son of a weaver in Genoa, Italy, or that he was from Catalonia or Galicia in Spain.

In fact, he was from Genoa, but he was “the son of shopkeepers not weavers and he was baptised Pedro not Christopher,” Mr Villalonga told Spain’s ABC newspaper on Sunday.

And his family name was Scotto, and was not Italian but of Scottish origin.

“He had light-coloured eyes and freckles. He also had blond hair even though it quickly turned white. That’s how his contemporaries described him. Nothing like the traditional images (of him), which are totally invented,” the historian said.

/and he had Muslim navigators and steam turbine propulsion