
Sarah Palin Derp of the Day

Love-Child of Cassandra and Sisyphus5/04/2011 1:04:12 pm PDT

Pretty much on topic…

Apparently scientists are using too many syllables:

Climate scientists told to ‘stop speaking in code’

Scientists at a major conference on Arctic warming were told Wednesday to use plain language to explain the dramatic melt in the region to a world reluctant to take action against climate change.

An authoritative report released at the meeting of nearly 400 scientists in Copenhagen showed melting ice in the Arctic could help raise global sea levels by as much as 5 feet this century, much higher than earlier projections.

James White, of the University of Colorado at Boulder, told fellow researchers to use simple words and focus on the big picture when describing their research to a wider audience. Focusing too much on details could blur the basic science, he said: “If you put more greenhouse gases in the atmosphere, it will get warmer.”

Prominent U.S. climate scientist Robert Corell said researchers must try to reach out to all parts of society to spread awareness of the global implications of the Arctic melt.

“Stop speaking in code. Rather than ‘anthropogenic,’ you could say ‘human caused,’” Corell said.
