
President Obama Speaks on Middle East

Velvet Elvis5/19/2011 10:53:22 am PDT

re: #162 lawhawk

It’s easy when you have a media conflate refugees from the original 1948 war for Independence with those who suddenly found themselves under Israeli control after 1967. The West Bank was part of Transjordan until 1967. Gaza was part of Egypt until 1967. The Golan was part of Syria until 1967. The old City of Jerusalem and East Jerusalem was part of Jordan until 1967.

But Jordan made it clear they don’t want the West Bank back, and Egypt refused to take back Gaza in 1981. So, it’s on Israel to help birth a new Palestinian state on the rump of territories it captured for Egypt and Jordan when those same Palestinians refuse to accept Israel’s very existence.

So in reality the people currently referred to as Palestinians are an amalgamation of peoples who reside in lands now occupied by Israel who share no common ethnic or cultural background?