
CNN's Dana Loesch Defends Pat Buchanan Against Evil Liberal Censorship

Gus2/18/2012 9:49:32 pm PST

re: #168 freetoken

Gasoline prices are what they are in the US because that is what the market can bear.

Ironically, as Americans use less gasoline - either by driving less or using more efficient vehicles - the refiners know they have ready markets elsewhere.

This is what Jon Huntsman tried to interject into the Clown Car Circus, to no avail (as expected) - that Americans operate in an international market, a world tightly connected.

The hyper-individualism of the tea partiers and the glibertarians is running aground on the reality of a world that grows smaller day by day.

This is hilarious. Couple of charts.

Here’s a gasoline price chart from the Speaker of the House (Boehner) titled Skyrocketing Gas Prices Under the Obama Administration

Now here’s a generic chart from 2000-2011

You can see the rise began immediately following 9/11 and continued to “spike” or rise up until the very day of the market crash of 2008. Its climb is corollary with the recovery.