
Live Video: 2012 Dem Convention Day 2

Mad Prophet Ludwig9/05/2012 5:43:58 pm PDT

I had to work late last night, so I missed the first lady’s remarks.

I just watched them.

She spoke with thrumming eloquence and sincerity about true things. She spoke poetry about the people that make America worth fighting for and the people that make this nation great.

She reminded me that all is not lost.

There is still an America worth fighting for. We haven’t been beaten yet. We have not yet succumbed to evils and petty greed that spread nothing but fear, hatred, malice and ignorance. We have not yet sewn a full field of destruction.

She said the word love perhaps a dozen times and spoke shamelessly about what matters most.

She spoke of humility and gratitude.

She spoke of hard work.

The right wing gives us a spoiled and heartless creature shaped by the rigours of indolence and unencumbered by mere compassion.

The right wing meme about her currently is that she is fat.

There is a lot of work to do.