
60 Minutes Backing Down on Benghazi Report? Update: CBS Pulls 60 Minutes Benghazi Video Page

goddamnedfrank11/07/2013 8:50:29 pm PST

re: #32 Killgore Trout

OK, now we have unnamed senior government officials giving information to the press to discredit a witness. I think we can all see where this is going. What’s old is new again, like being stuck in a loop.

What the hell are you on about now? The “witness” says he lied to his employer, and the senior govt officials have just confirmed that the gave the same story to the FBI. Meaning, according to his new version of events he lied to the FBI as well as his employer. Or he’s lying now. In other words, he’s self discrediting.

I don’t know what kind of fuckwit pollyanna universe you live in but where I come from when you tell a story to multiple parties, including the FBI during an official investigation interview, then later claim that the entire story is a lie, the government is under no obligation not to identify itself as one of the parties that was purportedly lied to.