
Best Story of the Day: Sarah Palin Clan Reportedly Involved in Huge Drunken Brawl

Testy Toad T9/11/2014 2:50:41 pm PDT

re: #173 Islamo-Masonic Conspirator

My general advice is that we’re some years past the time when the typical user really need to spec-shop. I care a hell of a lot more about fit and finish and general feel.

Go play around with many physical models at Costco or Fry’s Electronics or Microcenter or whatever you have in your area. Find out what feels nice, then check reviews online before you spend the cash.

10% more processor speed will not matter in the slightest compared to a nasty flexy spongey keyboard that will MAKE YOU GO ALL CRAZYPANTS if you have to, you know, actually interact with your machine.

Pretty much anything you can buy will be fine.