
Tim Cook: 'Religious Freedom' Laws Are Discriminatory and Dangerous

LeftyRambles2413 (HappyWarrior)3/30/2015 7:56:47 am PDT

re: #167 Lidane

This is exactly it.

For all their supposed love of the free market, RWNJ dipshits don’t seem to understand how it works. The big multinationals that they revere as “job creators” hate these kinds of pro-bigotry laws because they not only hurt the bottom line worldwide for the reasons you mention, but it makes it that much harder for them to effectively recruit and retain the best talent pool possible.

It’s the same reason why these big companies are open and inclusive as a matter of policy, and why they want comprehensive immigration reform and for same-sex marriage to be legal across the board. They want to be able to go anywhere and get the best people they can for the job, and give them all the benefits and perks they can without having to jump through a bunch of administrative hoops.

It’s why the right isn’t as “pro business” as they claim to be. Really what these idiots don’t get is by allowing discrimination based off of “religious beliefs” to occur, you’re going to discourage a lot of people who would otherwise be interested in moving somewhere to take a job and that’s bad for business. I mean these laws are so stupid. Really if these so called Christian bakers or florists have such a problem with gay people then maybe they shouldn’t be in the business if they’re going to get butt hurt by having to deal with gay people. But what I always do is point out that I could if I wanted to use the same law to discriminate against evangelical Christians and that’s usually when they shut up.