
Watchdog Groups: Trump Broke Federal Law With Fundraising Emails to Foreign Politicians

Testy Toad T6/29/2016 1:09:40 pm PDT

re: #161 goddamnedfrank

[I] think she’d be far better off cementing the groundbreaking nature of her candidacy by picking Warren, Castro or Booker. As far as white dudes go Al Franken would be better than Kaine in my opinion. I really hope she passes on Tim, he just seems like a bad fit that won’t help energize the ticket at all.

I’d prefer Clinton focus on picking a VP candidate that could actually take over and be an effective president in the event of her incapacitation. Neither Warren nor Castro excite me in the least in this regard; Warren’s experience and knowledgebase is very deep but very narrow (foreign policy in particular seems a complete blind spot), and Castro is a fairly inexperienced suit at this point in his career. I don’t frankly know a damn thing about Booker.

Picking VP candidates to appeal to disaffected voting blocs is GOP crap. We’re picking somebody to potentially do a job first and foremost.