
Trump's Anti-Science EPA Head Says We Shouldn't Discuss Climate Change Now

nines099/08/2017 2:30:29 pm PDT

Hillary Clinton got fucked 16 ways to Sunday. I heard every criticism, fear and lie about her. Rush made a career and millions of dollars smearing her. The media, press and news and cable news all failed. failed miserably. If Hillary was guilty of anything it was her cocksure attitude that she was right. And most times she was. I think the word used in these situations is “uppity”. Couldn’t lay a glove on her. GOP spent our tax dollars and didn’t find anything. All the BS the RWNJ Christian butt fucks talk about standing by your man? Pure shit. She did. And what happened? Right. Bernie. Russia. Jill. Fucked up media. Fucked up facebook. Fucked up Twitter. Fucked us up.
It came down to her saying coal and guns and oil and drilling bad.
The stiffs in line at WalMart heard that.
The nation had a choice, and the degree of filth and subterfuge and outright fix was able to once again scuttle someone who deserves much better.
The nation had a choice. A grifting con man who bleeds people. Shits on people. Has no scruples or class, and I’ll bet not much money.
Or a woman who was held to standards a fucking Pope would have trouble with.
She drank Chardonnay. OH MY.
Trump grabbed pussy.
Guys, ya know?
Fuck the GOP and fuck Bernie.
Dinner calls.
Stay dry.