
MonoNeon / "Segreghetto" (Official Music Video)

Mattand5/25/2024 9:31:10 am PDT

re: #166 Shiplord Kirel: From behind wingnut lines

Reminds me of the ammunition smugglers in Turks and Caicos. The usual suspects in the media (Faux, NY Pest etc.) emphasized that the hapless Americans were potentially facing several years in prison for their carelessness. When the first one came up for trial, though, the judge said, “Sentence suspended, now get the hell out of here. Oh, and leave the bullets at home if you ever come back.” (Not an exact quote but words to that effect.)

I literally just read that story on The Daily Beast. How the fuck does one “accidentally” bring 20 rounds of ammo in your suitcase on a tropical vacation, unless you’re a criminal?

White male Americans are the worst people, sometimes.*

*After writing that sentence, I thought I should double check my gut feeling based on decades of observation. Turns out it was unnecessary.