
Florida Stealth Creationism Bill Filed

jdog293/02/2009 5:53:30 pm PST

You sound like the kind of fundamentalist fanatical zealot who says that his mind is made up. Were you talking about me or you? I know you were talking about me, but I believe you could just as easily have been talking about yourself.

Yes, I believe the earth was created in 6 days as Genesis says. I don’t believe God is limited by time, but that time exists within God. Which is harder to believe, water was turned into wine miraculously, Jesus walked on water, any number of the miracles listed in the Bible or that the universe was created in 6 days. Do you not think I don’t see the absurdity of those events.

I thought I made it clear what my beliefs are, but if your wondering if I believe the great fish swallowed up Jonah and spit him out on dry land 3 days later, the answer is yes.

I’ve seen the evidence trying to link the ancestors of humans to other primates and it is so full of holes it is hard to believe it is presented by intelligent people. This doesn’t even mention how a blade of grass and a giraffe are supposedly related through common ancestors as are flies and rhinoceroses and every living creature having common ancestors. Even the most advanced minds say it would take more than 5 billion years and then start talking about millions of universes existing for the lottery numbers to hit the “creation-of-life” jackpot. Your lottery analogy applies directly to your beloved theory of life evolving out of nonlife. Even then we’re talking about jumping strata, kingdom, species the works and as absurd as it is for me to believe in God, science asks me for even MORE faith. Only this time I am to believe in men with their best guess estimates until a more dominant mind comes along and sets things straight in ONE area.

I think MICRO evolution has all the hallmarks of the empirical evidence you believe and state MACRO evolution has, yet it DOES NOT HAVE. Someone saying it does is not good enough for me to embrace the best theory of least ignorance.

Be careful you are coming quite close to violating Proverbs 26.4 which reads.

“Do not answer a fool according to his folly, or you will be like him yourself.”

To which I reply, “Welcome to the party!”