
Texas Creationist School Board Chairman Gets the Boot

Mostly sane, most of the time.4/30/2009 10:34:58 pm PDT

re: #171 realwest

Oh Lord Dark_Falcon - I used to love the History Channel - hell even the idea of a history channel brought a smile to my face!
But over the years it’s revised a hell of a lot of history which I specialized in and did extenstive research and writing (some for publication in “scholarly journals”) about Colonial American History, American Revolutionary History and in the history of the American West. I just gave up on it and it’s rare that I watch anythng on it these days. Hell, Ken Burns SUPERB documentary on the Civil War should have been shown on the History Channel (ok, after PBS) and instead we get Gettysburg (the Movie) and stuff like that (and the movie of Gettysburg was modestly close to being accurate). And I’m not talking “revision” as in honest and reputable hisorians can disagree, I mean CRAP. Their history of “Freemasonry” was so flawed I switched the channel to HGTV!

Bummer. I had my two oldest watch Ken Burns already.

We’re such hobby historians around here that I actually watched a documentary on Roman arms with my husband. With a pitocin drip in my arm. I think the nurse thought we were nuts, but nothing was happening yet, and I was bored.

Anyway, 10:30 and I’m trying to get over a cold. Good night.