
Yon: Ruling Extends Habeas Protections to All Detainees Worldwide

drcordell8/06/2009 11:13:24 am PDT

re: #143 buzzsawmonkey

The issue would not have come before the judge in the first place had there not been agitation from leftist loons to apply civilian law to the conduct of war.

What part of this do you not understand. America is a nation of laws. These laws (and our Constitution) prevent us from simply holding people indefinitely with no legal consideration. We either must treat them using international norms such as the Geneva Convention, or take them into our own legal system for prosecution. Doing neither, and simply holding them outside all legal jurisdiction is what Bush chose to do. Unfortunately, there is no legal basis that allows this. Therefore, the issue is being addressed by the courts.

Had the Bush administration chosen to start formulating a legal strategy back in 2002, this problem could have been easily addressed before we had hundreds and hundreds of prisoners. Instead, they took prisoners for 6 years and just threw them into Guantanamo, and figured they’d just let the next President figure it out.