Comment Says: Hispanics Are Not 'White'

Vicious Babushka3/19/2012 8:18:34 pm PDT

re: #155 ggt

I thought Hispanics were *ahem* Spanish, which is European, which is White.


Hispanics speak Spanish, but can be Mexican, Central or South American, African-Hispanic, Native Meso-American, Hispanic-Caribbean (like Cuban).

Immigrants whose origins are the country of Spain, I think are actually classified as White European.

Heh. I once met a guy, White immigrant from Capetown, who happily checked off all the boxes for “African-American” on some form he had to fill out. When he handed the forms back to the clerk, she snarled at him and said, “You’re not African-American!” He said, “I was born in Africa and now I’m American, that makes me African-American!” She said, “no you’re not, I am African-American.” He said, “Ma’am, you are American, but I am more African than you are!”