
Onion: Romney Tries New Strategy to Impress Voters

jamesfirecat4/12/2012 6:30:24 pm PDT

re: #169 goddamnedfrank

When you’re a mega millionaire with a household staff it’s insulting to pretend you do real work comparable to the typical stay at home mom. You don’t have the same worries, concerns or stresses. Even the real legitimate obstacles Anne Romney faced like MS and cancer were defeated in large part due to the benefits of her social class and the amount of money available to throw at her medical treatment. I mean, she credits dressage for her recovery from MS, how many people can afford the fees, land, horses, tack, feed and vet bills required to get into dressage?

How many people would be rich enough to know that “dressage” has to do with horse riding and not clothing?