
Overnight Video: The Pleasure Of

NJDhockeyfan8/28/2012 8:45:15 am PDT

Totally fucked up hate crime in Detroit…

MSU student: Alleged attackers made Nazi, Hitler symbols, said they were with the KKK

EAST LANSING — A Michigan State University Student attacked at an off-campus party says his attackers made anti-Semitic remarks and gestures before beating him so severely his broken jaw required surgery.

Zachary Tennen, a 19-year-old journalism student from Franklin, Mich., said he was attacked early Sunday morning at an off-campus party. He underwent surgery Monday night to repair his broken jaw, multiple media outlets have reported.

According to the Detroit Free Press, after asking Tennen if he was Jewish, the two male attackers “raised their arms in a Nazi salute, chanting “Heil Hitler” and then knocked Tennen unconscious.”

In an interview with Detroit television station WDIV, Zachary Tennen said his attackers “were making Nazi and Hitler symbols and they said they were part of the KKK.”

The Ku Klux Klan is classified as a hate group by the Anti-Defamation League and the Southern Poverty Law Center.

The victim was unconscious at some point, according to multiple media reports.

When he woke up, he found a staple in his mouth, he told WDIV, leading him to believe his attackers had attempted to staple his mouth shut.

“It was coming up in my two bottom teeth and it started in my gum, so, somehow they managed to staple it,” Tennen said.