
Edward Snowden Never Had Access to the NSA's "Crown Jewels"

Vicious Babushka7/23/2013 9:07:27 am PDT

re: #171 GunstarGreen

Facts are irrelevant, there is only the narrative. The American Royalty (the 1%) need to keep the filthy peasants fighting amongst each other lest they find out about the cake they’re to be eating.

Every time some idiot tries to say something about DA EBIL YEWNYUNS to me, I regale them with the tale of how my mother has worked for the K Empire. She’s been in there for something like 15 years or so, but never joined United Food Workers because it’s an open shop, union membership is not required. She used to work accounting at her store (doesn’t anymore, she refused to do that job for the paltry pay they were offering any longer), and one of the then-current batch of mismanagers had it out for her, for some reason. Effectively, tried to get her suspended on ginned-up charges of things that never happened, and she could prove it. Management was ready to screw her, even after a decade of service, but UFW stood up for her even though she wasn’t even a member.

Don’t you dare try to sell me any ‘YEWNYUNS R BAD’ bullshit.

53 Union Bosses together still don’t make as much as 1 Walmart CEO.