
Watch Live: CPAC 2014, Festival of Lunacy, Day 2

Charles Johnson3/07/2014 12:38:31 pm PST

PBS didn’t “hide” anything. They have private deals with funders that they’re under no obligation to disclose, and they’ve stated outright that these funders have NO editorial influence.

We have concluded that the time has come to find a new, long-term home for The NewsHour. The current operation has worked beautifully because our long-time partnership with Liberty Media has been as perfect as any such relationship could be. When Liberty acquired its majority interest in MLP 18 years ago it was done with the agreement that editorial control and management would always rest with us-Robert MacNeil and Jim Lehrer, individually. Liberty has honored that arrangement in such a way that has made it possible for us to have the independence we all have enjoyed all these years.

This is just another rotten smear job.