
The Michael Brown Shooting Incident Report Is Ridiculous

Sionainn, Warrior Mother8/22/2014 12:04:15 pm PDT

re: #174 ObserverArt


I’m worried about you. Please do whatever you can to cut some of the stress. I know that is easily said, especially from an unknown person on an internet site.

I always find that what causes stress are other people and they have no clue they are causing it or have a feel that you are stressed. The only person suffering is you. Others have no feeling.

So, you are the one in control of it all, and you will be the one that needs to find the ways to reduce it.

Whatever it takes. A hobby. Dumping on someone else that can listen to you vent ( Lizards here at LGF are pretty good and it is good you let us know as you are), listen to your favorite music, a run with your dog, a hobby that can drain some bad energy or shift your focus.

Hell, maybe even start making voodoo dolls of all your relatives and start sticking them with pins every time they piss you off.

Whatever it takes.

But I hate to see the feeling person (you) take the abuse when others (them) seem to have a lack of feelings. The one that cares always gets hurt by the uncaring. It sucks. I’ve been there. I think many here have too.

I hope you find some peace and tranquility.

I’ve had to take internet breaks lately because it stresses me out so much with the stupidity and the hatred.