
Sunday Night Short Film: The Trial of Barnaby Finch

ObserverArt12/07/2015 6:55:38 am PST

Morning. So, looks like America’s media is all upset that Obama was Obama and they didn’t get that magical transformation to Obomba The War President.

Especially Morning Joke.

5 minutes of that jerk was all I could take. But, it was 5 minutes enough to again give me the feel for the whole Republican stand on the President’s address last night.

“He doesn’t get it.” “We’ve heard all this before, we need something more.”

Here is what I think. America doesn’t get it. We heard all this before. This is a world problem created by much of the politics of that world. If all the world politicians can get together and agree the world fucked up the MIddle East part of that world and start to put plans together with the input of the Middle East nothing is going to change.

It is not Obama’s problem. It is everyone’s problem. And Obama is not going to fix this himself. Too bad everyone is blaming it all on his lack of a “new” fix. There isn’t one. We have too many old problems.

But if Joke Scarborough would like to at least know who is winning, I would suggest ISIS. And all with the help of the Republican candidates, Joke Scarborough and all those like him, Trump, etc.