
New From Seth Meyers: GOP Rushes Kavanaugh Hearing Amid Trump's Legal Woes

Shiplord Kirel: From behind wingnut lines9/05/2018 3:03:40 am PDT

Conservative Christians Promise ‘Civil War’ If Trump Is Impeached
Jim Bakker, Roger Stone etc. Not named, but obviously included, is child molester and draft dodger Ted Nugent. Interesting that foul-mouthed degenerates like Stone and Ted Nugent now count as “Evangelical.”

Yet despite the scandal and the criminality, conservative Christians cotinue to support Trump in overwhelming numbers. A PRRI poll conducted in early August found that among white evangelicals, 79 percent vigorously oppose the calls to impeach Trump.

The poll numbers are in line with a Five Thirty Eight report on national exit polls after the 2016 election showing that 81 percent of white evangelical voters voted for Trump, the widest margin for a Republican presidential candidate ever among evangelicals since they began tracking the numbers.