
Stephen Colbert Tries to Figure Out What the Trump Gang Wants Us to Believe About Soleimani [VIDEO]

Targetpractice1/14/2020 2:25:42 pm PST

re: #170 Anymouse 🌹🎃


I’m finally starting to feel better.

On the comment, months ago when Jennifer Rubin started sounding reasonable, I pointed out she has not denounced conservatism, just Trump. She’d be just fine with every one of these policies if a sane-sounding Republican President was promoting them.

Several people were not happy with that. Conservatism is a religion, and until she renounces conservatism, everything she writes has to be viewed through that lens.

Jennifer Rubin and others like her are using the conservative version of Christian flirty fishing. She sounds good, with the idea of roping in liberals so she can later present conservative ideas as reasonable.

She is no different than any other conservative pundit out there saying “well if the Democrats just ran like Republicans, I could get behind them.”

Hell, I’ve been saying this shit since Spring 2017, when the sudden fascination with the “NeverTrump” crowd turned into the idea that we needed to be working to ally ourselves with these people, because “we need every vote we can get!” Even then, I rolled my eyes and told them that these people were not converts, they were not “seeing the light,” they were just frustrated that Trump was saying the quiet parts out loud. But no, I was told that we needed to do what we could to work with them, to avoid making them angry, because we couldn’t hope to win at the polls without them.