
Incredible New Video From Half*alive: "TIME 2"

A Mom Anon5/29/2021 5:27:48 pm PDT

re: #163 Shiplord Kirel: Fan of USPS, Goodyear, and Oreo

I wish the military is “all” we had to worry about. They’ve been at this shit in nearly every aspect of America for at least as long as I have been alive. From schools to local, county and state governments. What pisses me off is the purposeful and calculated efforts to make us hate each other. To the point that we fight over basic rights, like feeding the poor, educating everyone who wants an education, affordable healthcare for every single person, lower taxes on the middle class, and keeping communities in tact. So we can function and advance past the basics. Why can’t people just grasp a very basic concept like making sure basic needs are adequately met means humans can focus on something beyond just basic survival? I can’t even begin to imagine having had that support as a homeless 17 yr old or as a 23 yr old first time mom working a full time retail job(which actually had very good health insurance, most retail used to, back in the day). I could have maybe continued on after high school and gone to college like I wanted to. Or become a skilled tradesperson of some kind. And what if we actually gave a shit about motherhood and provided support that’s needed to do what’s demanded?

It feels like everything has been infiltrated and taken over by right wing and ruined. From the seemingly harmless to the most crucial institutions; the military, police, courts, education and the rest.