
ABC's Stephanopoulos Violating Journalistic Ethics?

Guanxi882/04/2009 3:03:02 pm PST

re: #162 Soona’

As I and a few others on LGF have pointed out; this is the Alinsky model for politics. Constant turmoil and chaos. Worked well for Marx too.

Eh, maybe, but it’s a messy way to do things. I am familiar with the whole idea of creating hundreds and thousands of minor crises in rapid succession as a way to engender a revolutionary atmosphere, but don’t think it really works out like that. See, to my mind, a two-pronged strategy, with agitators on the street and Gramscians within the institutions, that would pay dividends, but just stirring up crap doesn’t do anything for anybody.

And I go back to my original observation - nobody’s in charge. Barry thought he wanted the job, but somehow, never quite realized that he might get it, and so never gave any thought to what he would do once in office.