
Sotomayor on Tape

Daria Emmons5/29/2009 2:14:40 pm PDT

re: #169 Dan G.

In your estimate (you appear to be knowledgeable) would it be accurate to state that she appears to have racist ideas, but that she rules on the cases before her on the basis of the law (i.e. she doesn’t “legislate from the bench”)?

I won’t go that far. I have only read summaries of maybe 10 decisions of her’s. These are the ten decisions which people have decided to highlight. (see: Wikipedia)

Anyway, based upon this limited reading of her, plus the opinion of the Volokh Conspiracy blog (which is a leading conservative legal blog - very trustworthy), her ACTUAL RECORD is pretty good.

She said some problematic statements, but she has had a long career, and I am sure you and I have said some problematic commentary from time to time in our careers as well. What ultimately matters is her record.

I am no expert in her record - by any means - but no one has presented evidence that her judicial record is far leftist, or even leftist.