
Bert and Ernie: Brutal

The Shadow Do7/06/2009 8:29:07 pm PDT

re: #163 HoosierHoops

As much as I love Lance..And Trust me.I love hm as an athlete…
There is no way in Hell he can win…No man in his 40’s can win this race….
Period amen…It isn’t possible..
I’m sorry
/Charles is so kicking my ass..But my friend Charles.. It would change all history…It can’t happen…But if it does…That would change history forever…I think Lance wants to do that

Hoosier, he can do it.
But I am not so sure that is really his goal.
He does seem dedicated to putting a spotlight on LIVEstrong.
That is his declared mission.
He may well work for his team as a serviette before the race is done.

But I also think, that given the smallest crack he will turn it on and win this thing.

I do believe that he is the most incredible athlete I have seen in my lifetime. And I am one quickly aging cat who has seen some pretty incredible atheletes in my time.

I used to think boxing was the ultimate sport - one on one.

I’m not so sure now having followed cycling for some years.