
Video: Rep. Mike Castle vs. the Nirthers

Shr_Nfr7/20/2009 12:19:45 pm PDT

I continue to maintain that the birth certificate is probably irrelevant. What I do not consider irrelevant is his affirmation of citizenship at age 18. He had 3 possible legal ways to go. He could have said he was an American citizen and afterwards traveled on an American passport. In that case he is eligible to be POTUS. He could have said he was a citizen of Kenya. I am not sure what the dual citizenship rules are here, so I will take a pass on them. He could have said he was a citizen of Indonesia and traveled to Pakistan on his Indonesian passport. At that point in time, there was no dual citizenship with Indonesia. He thus would not be an American citizen at the moment. The nationality listed on his college applications is thus very important. Likewise, which passport he used when he did his Pakistan visit. The college records should be released so we can put an end to this noise. The fact that he continues to embargo them lends some weight to the fact that he has something to hide. I am not sure he does, but 18 year old self-confessed crack heads sometimes do dumb things to game the system. I would not put it beyond Obama to have this skeleton in his closet. If he does not, he should put an end to stuff and release the applications. He can keep his grades secret if he wishes. Those are of no import as to his qualifications.

I regard the “smuggled in from Kenya” story to have as much credibility as the warming pan story of the Glorious Revolution. But the other facts of the case bear examining.