
National Right to Life Committee Claims Health Bill Would 'Subsidize Abortions' - Bzzzt. False.

Salamantis9/22/2009 8:36:54 pm PDT

Icicle Moon

The cave was a toasty cozy place
With a blaze of branches well alit
The blizzard raging outside its space
Could not intrude within one bit.
The blowing wind was broken by
Cascaes of frozen waterfall
And even the wolves knew not the way
Inside this den tucked in the cliff wall.
But then the snow clouds blew beyond
As silvery flickers leaked inside
And gazing through the warped pane fronds
I saw the source of the glow I’d spied.
A gibbous shining did hugely hang
As if ‘twere poised to give birth soon
And my heart invaded my throat and sang
To the wondrous sight of that crystal moon.