
Video: Jon Stewart and Newt Gingrich

darthstar2/11/2010 10:49:05 am PST

re: #157 Irenicum

Ha, Fix news is running the “it snowed, thus disproving AGW” meme. I’m shocked!

Yes, but they’re always sure to add a question mark to their headlines, as in “Blizzard Proves There’s NO GLOBAL WARMING?” - Fox’s viewers, who are knuckle-draggers to begin with, don’t see the question mark, and believe the headline to be a statement of fact. When Fox is questioned by its critics for misleading viewers, they can say, “Look! A question mark! We weren’t stating fact, we were only asking the question as a lead in to our news story (which, coincidentally, had a fair and balanced climate change denier as its only source).” That’s why you’ll see things like the following on Fox:
“President Obama Sides With Terrorists?”
“President Obama Corruption Scandal?”
“Pelosi’s Death Panels A Sure Thing?”

Then again, CNN does the same thing, so one can’t simply point the finger at Fox.