
Video: James Dean and Ronald Reagan, Circa 1954

austin_blue4/20/2010 4:05:12 pm PDT

re: #145 darthstar

Honestly, I think the Republicans should fear immigration debate more than the Democrats…with the Teabaggers going full klan-bake over Health Care Reform and Financial Reform already, chances are their already minimal ability to moderate their rhetoric will be incapable of stopping them from making any Republican rally look like a scene from Mississippi Burning. And that’s not going to win a lot of moderate or independent voters over to their side (and the GOP knows this).

I think the Democrats should announce the start of work on immigration reform just before the August recess.

Hah! Klan-bake! And I agree with the last sentence. The R’s have tied their wagon to the loons. Just *mentioning* immigration reform will cause an explosion of crazy amongst the TBs that will force the Independents to the Dems just to keep the stink off them. The rise of the TBs and the R’s tacit acceptance of them has got to be the stupidest piece of political suicide I’ve seen since the Chicago Convention of ‘68.