
Glenn Beck on Faith Healing and Vaccination: 'Meet Mr. Smith and Wesson'

General Nimrod Bodfish10/15/2010 2:36:11 pm PDT

This whole “vaccinations cause autism!” bullshit (for that is what it really is, bullshit) remind me of this article by Cracked: The 5 Mos Ridiculously Over-Hyped Health Scares of All Time. Then there’s also Cracked’s 5 Irrational Fears (Even Rational People Have).

Those two articles have one thing in common: one “expert” (whether real or not) shoots his/her mouth off to the public about one thing or another and the general population absolutely lose their shit over, despite not one bit of credible scientific evidence to support such allegations, or shoddy “evidence” to back it up! It’s insane and depressing to know that a large section of the population don’t investigate such accusations and allegations, instead taking what they see/hear at face value because someone happens to be considered an “expert” in the issue, especially when it comes to their children. It just makes me feel that people, in general, are dumb, ignorant sheep!

These anti-vaccination fuckers are going to kill a lot of people and maim many, many more. These people should be shunned and humiliated as ignorant and exiled to some faraway island to protect society as a whole. They are not only anti-vaccination, but also anti-science as they don’t agree with the science at hand that has, in my terms, knocked their “knowledge” over the head, took their wallet, then threw it out a second story window. It should be settled, but these people see science as something that threatens their views and, as such, threaten their power over the sheep, and that can’t be accepted to them!

Fuck, this is so disgusting.