
Note to Rick Perry: Teaching Creationism in Public Schools is Illegal

Killgore Trout8/18/2011 4:52:02 pm PDT

Allahpundit thinks the only rational Republican candidate must be up to something sneaky….
Jon Huntsman: Call me crazy but I believe in evolution and global warming

Serious question: Is Huntsman trying to win anymore or is he playing some sort of long game now? I can imagine a game plan in which he tries to position himself as the fearless yet doomed centrist Cassandra who warned the base not to nominate a candidate too far to the right. If Obama wins reelection, Huntsman gets to do an “I told you so” tour among an adoring media and hope that Republican primary voters will remember when he runs again in 2016. The only problem with that? There are a good half dozen bona fide rock stars who’ll also be positioned to run next time, starting with Marco Rubio and maybe including Christie, Jindal, Rand Paul, Jeb Bush, Nikki Haley, and who knows who else. Anyone think Huntsman, who’ll have been out of office for five years by 2016 and nine years by 2020, will beat ‘em all? I honestly don’t get his grand strategy.