
Romney Testified in 2002 That He Attended Bain Board Meetings

palomino7/12/2012 8:50:02 pm PDT

re: #170 What, me worry?

But he’s done nothing illegal.

Unfortunately some people think that running a large corporation qualifies you as President, I guess because you deal with people and budgets and so forth. But whatever it is, the aim of the company, any company, is profit. That is not the aim of government. Government takes care of society and its needs. So certainly if you think that, they won’t care much about Bain.

Now the part they may care about is the outsourcing. Not a popular thing, even among (or maybe even especially among) Republicans. Again, not illegal, but is probably the foremost reason of job loss here.

I’ve never accused Romney of any crimes. I certainly don’t see any likely illegalities on Romney’s part (with the possible exception of perjury, but I don’t know enough about the testimony to comment knowledgably).

It’s more a question, as you suggest at the end of your post, that there’s something morally—not legally—questionable about Romney’s practices as head of Bain, particularly in the context of the Great Patriotic American Job Creator he now presents himself as.