
The Final Word on Jim Hoft's "Fractured Eye Socket" Hoax

psddluva4evah11/24/2014 9:46:57 pm PST

see here’s the thing…some ask why did McCullough et al wait until nightfall to announce the decision.

Easy, allowing tensions to rise, anger to simmer and despair and chaos to marinate like a powder keg, wait for a time when darn near everyone ISN’T at work or school, then announce the decision, THEY ALREADY KNEW was coming (are some of us willing now to admit that Nixon et al, while they may NOT have known the outcome…cough…bullshit…cough)…then BOOM ignite the fuse and watch as the bomb goes off.

Now you have visual conformation to show to media and like-minded parties just waiting with baited breath for a reason to say “well see there, we knew THOSE people would turn violent”…

I always find it interesting when people say don’t react with vengence when someone literally has a boot at your throat. I guess it’s better to just swat at said boot or try to talk the boot wearing out of stomping your neck. Sometimes your first reaction is to fight…