
Another One Down: Hope Hicks Resigning as White House Communications Director

mmmirele2/28/2018 4:24:58 pm PST

It should be obvious to anyone who is not a moron that making $12/hour embroidering names on Mickey hats at Disneyland in Anaheim is not going to make enough money to live on, and might actually be living in a vehicle.

The NYTimes has an article:

(behind the paywall)

Here’s the OC Register:

I went through a number of years when I was barely scraping by and that only through the occasional generosity of my parents when something happened. I’m doing much better now, but the sheer idiocy of not understanding basic math just gets me. Oh and this particular asshat says s/he is voting GOP in 2018.

Of course, Disney is all “this is a union plot.” No man, it’s a matter of money and mathematics. You can’t live on less than $2,000/month when the lowest rent for a 1 bed apartment in the OC is $1,500.

I let an idiot have it on Twitter.