
The Bob Cesca Podcast: Ignorant, Evil and Insane

Shiplord Kirel: From behind wingnut lines3/21/2019 9:04:28 am PDT

New research targets anti-vaccination comments on Facebook

Historically, anti-vaccination rhetoric has focused on misplaced fears about autism after a fraudulent study by disgraced researcher Andrew Wakefield claimed there was a link. The study has since been retracted and studies continue to report no such link. Today’s study reports that misinformation about vaccines on Facebook appears to have multiplied beyond fears of autism to include four main themes: mistrust of science and government agencies; fear of safety risks; belief in conspiracy theories, and support of alternative disease treatments. The researchers also found that the same stories and videos from anti-vaccination groups tend to recirculate among people who oppose vaccines.

Ultimately it all comes back to the final category, “support of alternative disease treatments.” The snake-oil industry, “Big Woo,” is the financial engine driving anti-vaxx. Its leaders should be held accountable, up to and including the Julius Streicher seat in an international tribunal if their lies cause a real pandemic.