
World's Craziest Bloggers Say LGF is 'Linked Up' with Neo-Nazis

Land Shark4/08/2009 10:02:03 am PDT

Man, this is friggin’ nuts! It’s disturbing to see someone I previously had a lot of respect for like Robert Spencer becoming a kook. To anyone who spends any time at LGF, linking Charles with Nazis is the height of crazy. I don’t always agree with Charles, but he’s been pretty consistent in staying away from Nazis and their white supremacist pals, an issue I do agree with him 100%. Even if the Left still always refer to LGF as a racist hate site.

Let’s face, Charles has some stones. He gets it from the Left and the Right, it would have been easy to go with flow either way to get people to like him but he’s stood by his convictions. That’s not easy to do, folks.