
LGF on Glenn Beck

Catttt4/16/2009 3:20:59 pm PDT

The main thing I remember about Birchers, from when I was a kid, was that they were extremist and anti-civil rights. I absorbed this as a small child, based on what I saw and read and heard from my parents, and they were tainted then to the point that I simply cannot trust them ever.

It’s ironic, though - people use “infiltrator” to say their org is on the up and up. John Birchers used “infiltrator,” back in the day, to diss orgs. However it is used, it is a weeny excuse.

Personally, I would confront anyone who used Birch talking points or yelled “burn the books,” because I am blunt that way. That most people sat and listened and did nothing is the most important thing to me. I know a lot of people’s hearts are in the right place, but they need to define their terms up front, then police them carefully.