
Auto Industry Bankruptcy Watch

lawhawk5/28/2009 1:02:27 pm PDT

re: #152 Yashmak

That, I have no problem with (the reduction in average car size…I don’t care much for Obama mandating it). I look forward to a day when it’s not bumper to bumper 12mpg SUV’s or king-cab pickup trucks on the road anymore, with only one person on board.

Those SUVs were a creation of the CAFE rules in the first place - by not including them in the original mileage requirements, they became the place where manufacturers turned when station wagons went extinct under the CAFE rules.

You want to see SUVs disappear? Find people a vehicle that lets families lug their kids around with their strollers, required car seats, and do so when going to the grocery store with room to spare and the horsepower needed to merge onto highways safely.

That’s the conundrum. Sure, Smart cars sound like a great idea, but they aren’t for folks with kids - and only one car. You need a second larger car to do the kids thing. And forget about carrying stuff as well.