
Why I Left the Right, Exhibit P for Pawlenty

baier12/21/2009 2:31:03 pm PST

re: #160 SixDegrees

The Birchers started out as hyper-paranoid anti-communists, and quickly joined forces with the KKK. After a while, the two were hard to distinguish from one another, and there really wasn’t much point left in doing so anyway.

I think the Tea Party may end up being good for conservatives by making the party more appealing to independents and centrist. These morons turn more people away from the party than bring in. I know that the number one reason I voted democrat, until 9/11, is because the GOP social agenda is completely alien to me. 9/11 was a serious enough event for me reconsider how I voted, and still today foreign policy has taken a special priority for me, but Obama has done a pretty good job with that so far.